Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almond Roca

8" x 10" oil on linen panel

This still life was also painted in the homemade still life box as described in the previous post. I really like seeing the shadow shapes so clearly.

detail (1)

detail (2)


paintopolis said...

Nice one!

Jennifer McChristian said...

These are great! They taste as good as they look (Almond Rocas... yummmmmm) :P
Thanks for posting the detailed version. I enjoy the palette knife work and the varied thick/thin textures which make this little study so appealing.

PleinEric said...

Kevin- why thank you.

Jennifer- You are very kind. We all love getting right up close to nice painting in person - this is why I add the details. No security to tell you to "step back!" either.